Sunday Morning Worship

Sunday Morning Discipleship

Classes at 9:00AM

  • Four terms per year, 7 or 8 week classes, 1 hour class time

  • Highly interactive between participants and teacher, around tables, dedicated time for prayer

  • Gospel-centered, Community-oriented, Application-specific

The Purpose of Sunday Morning Discipleship

As a church we must be intentionally and systematically teaching, training, modeling the gospel (the good news of Jesus Christ's work on the cross to save sinners and bring God glory). It is the vision of our church, as Colossians 1:28 says, "to present everyone mature in Christ."

The purpose of Sunday Morning Discipleship is to provide an opportunity for men, women and children to meet and to hear of God's plan of salvation and to deepen their understanding of God's Word. Classes are open to anyone who wants to know more about God and his activity in the world and in the lives of people. Classes can be wonderful opportunities to grow in faith and to meet other Christ-followers!

Sunday Worship

In person and online worship start at 10:30AM

  • NPC Worship Playlist | Listen on Spotify

  • Regular Schedule | Labor Day - Memorial Day, Worship at 10:30AM, preceded by Discipleship Hour at 9:00AM

  • (Summer Schedule | Memorial Day weekend - Labor Day weekend, Worship at 10AM, No Sunday Morning Discipleship.)

Current Sermon Series

Faith in Far Away Places

From the book of Daniel

Why we gather to worship

We gather to behold the glory of God. We are transformed and leave each week as new people. 

We gather around the Word of God. The Bible is vital to understanding and delighting in God, and central because only it has the power to give life to each individual believer and to the entire community. 

We gather to build up one another. We recount what God has done for us and delight in our relationship to him, teaching, admonishing and encouraging one another. 

We gather for mission. God’s presence is uniquely present among and through his people.

What we do when we gather to worship

We sing, we read God’s Word, we affirm our faith through reciting creeds and confessions, we hear a sermon, we celebrate the sacraments of baptism and Lord’s Supper, we witness lives changed through stories of God’s faithfulness in the lives of people and the church.


Our Hospitality Team helps to engage guests, prepare refreshments, and ensure the safety of our physical facility and the people who worship and work here.

View our Safety & Security Statement

Child Protection

God’s Word highlights the dignity of children and our responsibility to protect and care for them. We aim to protect children with boldness, compassion, and courage through training and accountability.

View our Child Protection Policy

COVID-19 Safety Protocol

A committee of health care professionals reviews the current data on COVID-19 on an ongoing basis to provide safety recommendations for worship and building use.

View report


Your gifts to Northwest are used to share the gospel with our city, our region and the world. Thank you for generously partnering with us!